The Four Keys To Effective Evangelism

4 Keys to Effective Evangelism And Missions through the Church

Acts 5:12-42

The church has an assignment of gathering in and sending out. This is our responsibility. We cannot neglect this calling, personally or collectively as a church.

In order for the church to be effective in evangelizing the community and the world there are four keys that must be true in the church.

First, the Church must remain pure. In the book of Acts chapter 5 the apostle Peter confronts the sinful deceit of Ananias and Sapphire. The result was a sweeping Godly fear within the church and without. Yet, this purity only validated the life changing message of the gospel.

Whether it is personally or corporately there our three ingredients that help us remain pure, accountability, scripture, and prayer.

Second, the church must be an instrument of God’s Power. We learn from the Book of Acts that the secret to the church’s effectiveness is having God’s power upon them.

How Can I Be An Instrument Of His Power?

Be faithful. Be faithful to him who has called you and to the work he has called you to. God is looking for servants who will be faithful. When He finds them He pours out His power upon them. God is not looking for great ability but for dependability.

If we will have our tools ready, than God will find us work and empower us to do that work.

Thirdly, the church must be prepared for satanic persecution. When God blesses a church and people are saved and lives are changed, than Satan will not be happy. Every servant of God will face challenges.

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you” (1 peter 4:12 ESV).

Those who Satan will use to discourage you are the religious people all around you. These religious people will call you names and frown upon your zeal. Yet, be not discouraged, because through persecution God is validating His approval upon us. Not everyone will like you when you are passionate about missions and evangelism, but that’s ok because God is smiling down from heaven upon you.

Finally, the church must be persistent in the face of opposition. When we face opposition to advancing the kingdom of God it is important to remain obedient to God. The early church publically demonstrated its allegiance to God by refusing to obey men and choosing to obey God.

God may be calling you to a greater life in missions through giving and going, yet your family and friends maybe trying to discourage you. Only listen to the voice of God, because where He guides He will provide.

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